Monday, October 24, 2011


Every year at Halloween, jack o lanterns are everywhere. On doorsteps, on windowsills, hanging as paper on walls, even as plastic candy collectors for trick or treaters. You can easily find them in department stores, restaurants and even along public streets. They are an absolute part of Halloween.

For those of you who have trouble with the carving process here are 6 easy steps to follow:
Select the right tools
Various hand or power tools can be used during the carving but the essentials of small poker, sharp paring knife, small saw and a sturdy ice cream scoop will get the job done.  
Create an opening in the top of the pumpkin with your knife ensuring the hole is big enough for you to easily reach inside and clean it out. When cutting be sure to angle the blade towards the middle of the pumpkin. This will allow you easily put the top back on afterward.
Use your scooping device to clean out the inside of the pumpkin. To make the carving easy scrape the inside of the pumpkin to be about 1" thick in the areas where you'll be carving. If you are not sure of the thickness use a thumbtack as a gauge.
Use a stencil:
There are lots of patterns out there.  Find one you like online, print it out and tape it to the pumpkin. Afterward use a poking device to trace the pattern onto the pumpkin by pushing through the paper until the stencil is transferred. Remove the paper.
Connect the Dots:
Take your small saw and start connecting the dots. This is the fun part as you start to see your pumpkin take shape. Go slow here and take your time - especially on the sharp turns. But don't worry if you make a mistake. If you cut out a piece you shouldn't have use some tooth picks to put it back into place.
Flame On: 
Now that your masterpiece is completed put a small candle inside, put one the top, step back and admire your handiwork. 

The following websites have free stencils and ideas available: and Celebrating Halloween.
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