Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Halloween is just around the corner so I thought I would give you some tips for making Halloween a little more eco-friendly.  Because to me needless waste is a lot scarier than ghosts and goblins!  Halloween is a great holiday but with all the individually wrapped candy and one-time-use costumes, Halloween can also be a very wasteful holiday.  Read on and I’ll show you how to instill a splash of green with the orange and black.

Make your own costumes.  Use your creativity and make use of all the extra fabric, cardboard, paint and old toys you have laying around the house to make your costume.  Try and avoid buying plastic masks and other costume accessories because they aren’t able to be recycled.  People love homemade costumes because you will always be one-of-a –kind.

Swap costumes.  If you just have to have that pre-made costume consider having a pre-Halloween costume swap with your friends.  You’ll feel like you have on a new costume every year!  If you don’t want to swap costumes, make sure you donate it to a local charity.  Whatever you do, don’t throw it away.

Green up your treats.  When the kids come knocking at your door try to have a great treat available but try to avoid individually wrapped candy.  If the parents in your neighborhood don’t let their kids eat home-baked items then at least make sure to hand out healthier treats.  Check out Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods for some organic options.

Use natural decorations.  Use whatever you can find in nature to decorate your home.  Autumn is a great time to incorporate brightly colored leaves, pumpkins and fancy gourds or even make your own Halloween inspired door wreath.  If you don’t want to use outdoor materials for decorations, forego using plastic premade items and make your own decorations using recyclable materials like cardboard, newspaper or recycled plastic.

Skip the store-bought orange pumpkin candy bucket.  Go old school and collect your candy in a pillowcase or a wicker basket.

LED the way.  How about using LED lights to light the path to your front door for those little trick-or-treaters. 

Eat those pumpkin seeds.  When you and your family are carving those pumpkins, don’t toss away the seeds.  They are filled with zinc and iron – not to mention being absolutely delicious.  I’ve included a great roasting recipe.  Try it!

Party like an eco-star.  If you are planning to throw a Halloween bash this year, make sure you provide recycling containers to dispose of bottles and cans.  Also, make sure you buy party cups/plates/napkins/cutlery made from recycled or sustainable materials.

Cinderella Carpet One in Salinas and San Luis Obispo wish you a ghoulishly green and delightful Halloween that is a little less crushing on the environment.

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