Tuesday, August 14, 2012


What is Pinterest? 
It’s a social networking site based solely on photos.  Pinterest, the latest social phenomena to hit the masses, is a sharing platform in which you “pin” pictures to your board. The picture-sharing site allows you to create categories of photographs, pin your pictures, and share them with other people. In addition to pinning pictures, you can also pin videos, share monetary gifts, and join discussion groups.
To quote Pinterest directly:
“Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard.  Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.  Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started, request an invite.”
Pinterest asks that you request an invitation to join their community – this usually takes 24-48 hours to facilitate.
Who uses Pinterest?
The answer to this question is simple – everyone and anyone. As stated previously, Pinterest started as a platform for everyday users who wanted to organize and share their pictures with the world. Since then, business owners have began to see the potential of the platform and are now using it to market their products and distribute their brand messages

Why use Pinterest?
There are several different reasons that one might use Pinterest:

To share photos with family and friends.

To share information – Many people use Pinterest to post their recipes and ideas, or showcase their talents through photographs.

To gather inspiration – Individuals from around the world use Pinterest to showcase their best ideas. So whether you are looking for wedding ideas, cake ideas, decorating ideas, or other forms of inspiration, Pinterest is a great place to find it.

To promote a business – Pinterest can be a great way to share your products with the world. Post your product pictures, or use Pinterest to showcase the talents that you have to offer.  Even better, use it to create a visual brand personality for your business. Make people fall in love with who you are and what you do.

Because this is a floor covering blog I guess we should tie Pinterest to flooring.  Below are four major flooring manufacturer’s Pinterest links:

Lastly, here is the link to Pinterest where you can sign up by requesting an invitation:  www.pinterest.com.
Have fun pinning but be careful it can be addicting!

At Cinderella Carpet One in Salinas and San Luis Obispo we provide a unique shopping experience.  We provide selective offerings, design support, product visualization and superior installation services.  While you are browsing on Pinterest and get inspired to replace the flooring in your home with something inspiring, come to our showroom at 6 Rossi Circle in Salinas or contact us for your free in-home consultation.

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